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When will hemp become legal in Germany?

When will hemp become legal in Germany? - hanfplatz

Update May 6, 2022: - "When will Bubatz be legal? - Christian Lindner says "soon"

In contrast to the blog post below on the topic of legalization of hemp in Germany, there is news from the current finance minister .

Christian Lindner tweeted about this on May 6th, 2022:

"A question that many people ask me again and again: "When will Bubatz be legal?" I would say: soon. 🥦 CL

He refers to an article from the RND that addresses the topic of hemp legalization in Germany . There it is said that the Federal Drug Commissioner Burkhard Blienert sees the draft law on the right path and that the assessment can begin this year . Approval also comes from the Ministry of Health under Karl Lauterbach. This means that legalization is likely to take place before 2024 , although this is purely a guess and real political issues could teach us otherwise.

That's why our original opinion can still be read here:

When will weed become legal - our look at it:

Many consumers would like cannabis to be legalized, but the federal government has not yet given a fixed date . This article clarifies.

So far, hemp is only available commercially in the form of CBD - as a dietary supplement that does not have an intoxicating effect and is completely legal. However, THC – the psychoactive ingredient in the hemp plant, which is on the narcotics list – is not legal. Nevertheless, consumers hope that hemp will be legalized soon, as is already the case in some countries. The government has so far kept a low profile. Legalization could only take place in two years at the earliest - according to the Traffic Light Coalition .

When might hemp be legalized?

So far, the government has remained tight-lipped when it comes to legalizing hemp. The sale of hemp is still prohibited in Germany. The active ingredient THC contained in the hemp plant can currently only be used for medical purposes, for example as an accompanying treatment for cancer.

In its coalition agreement, the traffic light coalition already stated that it wanted to legalize cannabis in licensed specialist shops in the future. This means that the previously banned cannabis could then be sold freely without a prescription, so that in principle everyone of a certain age could be able to enjoy the intoxicating active ingredient.

The German coalition justified its government program: With the introduction of cannabis, not only could the police be relieved - more quality could also be ensured when it comes to hemp, because the plants should only come from controlled cultivation .

What might legalization of cannabis look like?

According to the federal government, the introduction of cannabis is currently only intended for people aged 18 and over. Some politicians are even calling for a minimum age of 21 in this regard. The hemp should only be available in licensed stores. According to the federal government, these could be pharmacies or coffee shops , although the sale has not yet been clearly clarified. The federal government speaks of a “ controlled levy ” in this regard. What this statement means is still unclear.

Experts suspect that the delivery quantity could possibly be limited. The fact is that private individuals are still not allowed to grow hemp. It is still unclear when marijuana will finally be introduced in Germany. According to experts, the law could not be introduced until 2024 at the earliest.

Hemp shops offer a varied range of hemp products

Until the German government program allows the legalization of marijuana, consumers will have to make do with what hemp shops have to offer. In this regard, Hanfplatz lists numerous hemp shops that offer a wide range of different hemp products .

The focus is on the legal hemp active ingredient CBD , which does not leave any intoxicating effects after consumption. CBD – short for cannabidiol – therefore does not make you high and can be legally purchased as a dietary supplement in hemp shops, drugstores and pharmacies. The most popular products include CBD oil and CBD sprays, followed by CBD capsules and CBD cosmetics .

Conclusion: Cannabis legalization in Germany from 2024 at the earliest

The fact that marijuana should be legalized is still an issue, but the German federal government has not yet decided on a date. The fact is that legal sales of cannabis should come - but only in licensed shops and for people aged 18 and over. Exactly what the sale will look like is still uncertain. In this regard, the federal government is in favor of a “controlled levy”, which could possibly mean a set amount.

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