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Hemp through the ages

Hemp through the ages - hanfplatz

The first expert hearings on the legalization of hemp began in Germany in June of this year. The fear of contact with the drug is great, but that wasn't always the case. Hemp used to have countless uses - hard to believe - or who would have thought that the Gutenberg Bible or the American Constitution were printed on hemp paper?

Hemp is one of humanity's oldest cultivated plants . That's why it's worth taking a closer look at its history.​

The beginning

Around 10,000 years ago, humans became sedentary and it was around this time that hemp began to be cultivated. Through genetic analysis, researchers at the University of Lausanne have found that people were specifically breeding hemp as early as 2,000 years before Christ .

Similar to grains, hemp seeds were initially used as food. The healing and intoxicating effects were already known back then.

Archaeologists are finding cultures scattered around the globe that made use of the intoxicating effects in rites - for example, the early Chinese empire in funerals. But hemp was also successfully used as a medicine in ancient times.

It was only through the Arab-Islamic culture that knowledge about the healing effects of hemp reached medieval Europe. However, the Catholic Church in particular is quick to demonize the consumption of hemp. Probably because it reminds them too much of pagan customs. Only medical applications are spared from this proverbial witch hunt.

All-purpose wonder hemp

Hemp has always been used in many different ways - for example for book printing . The Gutenberg Bible or the American Constitution are a clear example of this. In Japan, workers' clothing was made from hemp because the fabric could withstand hard physical activity.

The navy also took advantage of the robust properties of hemp in rope and sail production .

Industrialization – the end for hemp

Industrialization means a change for hemp and its uses. Now the focus is on fast and mass production. Hemp must be grown by hand . This causes a higher price than, for example, machine-made cotton products.

Only later was hemp used again in soldiers' clothing and its medicinal effects were also rediscovered.

In the 20th century , hemp was gradually regulated more strictly before it was completely banned by the Narcotics Act in the 1970s.

In the 80s, hemp became more and more popular and conventional medicine began to make more use of its positive effects again.

The laws are being relaxed and legalization of hemp is now in sight.

Editor hanfplatz Redaktion hanfplatz

Editor: Redaktion hanfplatz

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