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Hemp for period pain

Hemp for period pain - hanfplatz

Austria: HHC ban from March 23, 2023

On March 23, 2023, the Austrian Ministry of Health included HHC in the regulation on new psychoactive substances (NPS). This means that the production and trading of synthetic HHC is prohibited in Austria.

To the regulation

Studies show that the majority of women suffer from PMS. The symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are diverse and include both physical and psychological problems that make life difficult for women affected just a few days to two weeks before the start of their period. Relieving period pain and minimizing PMS is an important issue for many women. More and more women affected are using hemp to combat period pain and are foregoing classic painkillers.

​Cannabinoids in the fight against menstrual problems

Hemp ingredients have long been used successfully in pain treatment . HHC is ideal for treating PMS. Hexahydrocannabinol is one of the well-known cannabinoids. On the one hand, HHC has a relaxing and calming effect, on the other hand it also relieves nausea and has a mood-enhancing effect. Women whose cycles are accompanied by mood swings, cramps, pain and nausea particularly benefit from the effects of HHC. Cannabinoids also have antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects. Hemp for period pain is a natural alternative to PMS that can achieve good results.

Hemp leaves next to CBD oil

What exactly is HHC?

​Hexahydrocannabinol is found in the hemp plant. Since each plant only contains small amounts, HCC is usually produced synthetically. The extracted cannabidiol (CBD) from the cannabis plant is used here. The advantage of HHC is that it is much milder and at the same time achieves good effects even at low doses. Although hexahydrocannabinol has been produced synthetically for many decades, it has only become increasingly popular in recent years. The relaxing, mood-elevating and pain-relieving effects ensure that the cannabinoid promises relief from numerous health problems, including PMS.

The gentle way to greater well-being before and during your period

Women are usually very familiar with their cycle. Those who suffer from PMS often have to deal with numerous symptoms in the run-up to their period. The physical symptoms range from headache attacks to cramp-like abdominal and back pain to tension pain in the chest. In addition, there are often psychological fluctuations. Fears or sadness can suddenly arise without a specific reason.

Many of the women affected suffer from symptoms month after month and for many years. The personal cycle can have a strong influence on performance and in extreme cases the symptoms are so severe that those affected are unable to cope with their everyday lives as usual. Often, women suffering from dysmenorrhea have already tried numerous medications and know that pain relief alone is not enough. Hemp for period pain, on the other hand, not only reduces the pain , but also significantly reduces physical and psychological complaints .

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